About The Club

Club Code of Ethics Keep to the laws and regulations of 4WD vehicles. (This may change from State to State)

  1. Keep to constructed vehicle tracks. Do not drive “off-road”.
  2. Keep the environment clean. Carry your own – as well other people’s – rubbish home.Obey restrictions on use of public land.
  3. Respect National Parks and other conservation areas.
  4. Obtain permission before driving on private property. Leave livestock alone and gates as found.
  5. Keep your vehicle mechanically sound.
  6. Take adequate water, food, fuel and spare parts on trips. In remote areas, travel with another vehicle.
  7. Respect our wildlife. Stop and look, but never disturb or chase animals.
  8. Respect other recreationalists’ rights to peace and solitude in the bush.
  9. Obey all fire restrictions. Extinguish your fire before leaving. Don’t let your exhaust emit sparks.
  10. Help in bushfires, emergencies and search and rescue if you are properly equipped and able.

The objectives of the Club are:

  • To promote and enhance social activities between owners and users of 4WD vehicles.
  • To encourage responsible and skilful use of 4WD vehicles in all situations.
  • To promote the enjoyment and protection of the environment for all through education – not restriction.

The club is actively involved in activities relating to State and National recreational bodies, such as:

  • Australian National Four Wheel Drive Council Inc.
  • Queensland Association of 4WD Clubs.

The Club is also affiliated with other Four Wheel Drive Clubs, such as:-

  • Mt Eggmont 4WD Club, new Plymouth, New Zealand
  • Ballina 4WD Club, Ballina N.S.W.

We whole heartedly support sensible and rational protection of the environment.

Much of South-East Queensland and Northern New South Wales are covered by Day Trips and camping week-end Trips.

New members are encouraged to participate. Members are always willing to give advice and assist.

The Club strives to involve everyone in Club activities such as camping, bushwalking, fishing, etc … to fit in with it’s principle of outdoor recreation.

Everyone is encouraged to participate.

These include:

  • Four Wheel Driver of the Year
  • Club Member of the Year
  • Rookie of the Year

Join a Four Wheel Drive Club, and support four wheel drive touring as a responsible and legitimate recreational activity.

The general meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at:

United Sports Club
Joyce Street
East Ipswich

Meetings start at 7.30pm

Come along to our meetings, or write to:

Ipswich 4WD Club Inc.

P O Box 816
Booval Fair, Booval Qld 4304

Web address:- www.ipswich4wdclub.org.au

Email:- info@ipswich4wdclub.org.au